Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bible Baptist Church 15th Anniversary Service

Fifteen years may seem like a long time for a church to be around, but, for one reason or another, some churches don't make it that long. But, by the grace of God, we the fine people of Bible Baptist Church celebrated our 15th anniversary today. This was our second attempt at an anniversary service (the first had been cancelled due to the snow) and it was not without its "hiccups." On Friday night Brother Phil Gabbard, the guest speaker, had called and said that he was very sick and would be unable to come and preach on Sunday. In light of this, the preaching duties were turned over to Brother Jim Bradley, our long-time deacon and "go-to guy." Pastor Baker preached a great message on "Why We Are Bible Believers" for the morning service. Following the morning service we had a pot-luck lunch provided by our "in-house catering service." (Thanks to all the ladies for the wonderful food!) The afternoon service began with a congregational hymn followed by a slide show of various pictures of the church and its members taken throughout the years. We had several music specials and a time of testimonies before the preaching including a rousing rendition of 'Ship Ahoy" by our resident troubadour Brother Leon Richardson. Brother Jim preached a rousing, heart-felt charge to the church about moving forward and what it will take for us to grow and be fruitful and effective as a body. It was obvious why God had allowed him to preach today. The Lord certainly knows what he was doing! All in all, it was a memorable day for those of us at Bible Baptist Church. We look forward to many more years of serving the Lord in our community and hopefully watching our church grow into a great light in this dark world.

Some of our fine young people

Wayne Curry doing what Wayne Curry does best

The food and the fellowship were both excellent

Professional rascal and aisle runner Preston Ervin

A rare picture of Wayne NOT eating

"Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me!"

"Take Me In Your Lifeboat"

"I Want To Know More"

"Ship Ahoy" by Brother Leon Richardson, our "spiritual sunshine" and Master's champion

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